one can fly." -- Lauren Bacall
There were 135 paintings exhibited in this year's BIG SPLASH. 14 awards were presented and I was happy to receive an HONORABLE MENTION for "FIRE FLY" (on right, my painting "GALILEE" is pictured to left).

John DenHouter, an art professor at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, was the juror. I love John's work so I was especially pleased to receive a nod from him. The St. Peters Art Center is a great place to have an exhibit. The reception was warm and friendly as usual.
I especially enjoyed seeing friends come to reception. Barb Singer even brought her Uncle Al and Aunt Gert. That was special as they are both in their 90's. I can see where Barb gets HER youthful looks.
I was moved, too, by a couple that spied my shooting a photo of my work. They walked up to me and said, "Is that YOUR work?" "Yes," I replied. "Well, we thought is was beautiful and one of the best works in the show!" You can imagine what THAT did for my EGO. ha ha ha
Thanks to all friends and acquaintances that stopped by. The works will be up through September 22. So stop by.