Great reception 3/16! "Sunshine" was awarded 3rd place out of 99 paintings in Flower Power exhibit at St. Peters Art Center. "Spring Tulips" (top) and "Delight In The Garden" were also in the show. Next up is my solo exhibit at CAFE DOLCE (starts April 15).
"One of the most attractive things about the flowers is their beautiful reserve." -- Henry David Thoreau

The Foundry Art Centre Paperwork: In, On, And Of Paper (520 North Main Center St. Charles, Missouri 636 255 0270). I missed the reception for this exhibit, but was honored to have "Release" (above) juried into the show. Brother Mel Meyer was the juror.
In addition, I was pleased to see that an essay appears on the Foundry's web site about my work ("Fanciful Fanstasy"). Lindenwood art history student Jay Cantwell wrote a beautiful "compare and contrast" piece for his instructor, John Troy, professor of art history at the university. You can read the essay at www.foundryartcentre.org . Click on the link "VIEW 2007 COMPARE & CONTRAST" and then click on link to "JAY CANTWELL" where the essay appears.
"Fanciful Fantasy" (written about in the essay and below) was juried into the watercolor show at the Foundry in December, '06. Students were asked to choose a painting of their choice to write about as their semester project. Thank you, Jay, for writing about my "transcendental abstraction" style. You spoke of my art much more eloquently than I could ever speak.
"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost." -- Martha Graham
Congratulations to Linda Davis on her winning bid to purchase "Country Fall" at this year's Rotary Camelot Auction Fundraiser in February. Special thanks to this year's program co-chair Brenda Wagner. Brenda wrote me the nicest letter about how excited Linda was at receiving the winning bid on this painting. I'm told that the event was highly successful and raised over $43,000 to go to local charities. I look forward to next year.
"Character is higher than intellect." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson