I always feel priviledged to go into a collector's home to photograph my work as they have chosen to display on their walls. "HOMAGE" has found a wonderful place to live in Barb's living room. Barb kids me that the only thing I could have done differently in painting "HOMAGE" would be to have signed my name "JACKSON POLLOCK." True, I have his demeanor and outlook on life. That's about it. Pollock was a genius and changed the way American painters thought about expressing themselves. Thanks for the compliment, Barb. (Click on the photo below to view a larger shot of the lliving area.)
"There is no accident, just as there is
no beginning and no end." -- Jackson Pollock
"Earth laughs in flowers."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I donated "Delight From the Garden" to this year's Fairview Heights Rotary Club Fundraiser. I painted this piece a few years ago. It reminds me of the gaiety of spring and summer just around the corner. Brenda Wagner is pictured holding the piece in the lobby of The Bank of Edwardsville, where she is branch manager. Brenda is a co-manager of this year's fundraiser and passionate about raising money for Rotary Club causes.
"Winter Walk On The Farm" was auctioned at the annual Chesterfield Arts Art Feast Saturday evening, January 24. I was quite pleased to donate this piece to raise money for Chesterfield Arts.
I'm also pleased to learn that Debbie Shaw-Franke, daughter of good friend Tom Shaw Sr., has been named president of Chesterfield Arts.
"Now I really FEEL the landscape, I can be bold and include every tone of blue and pink: it's enchanting, it's delicious." -- Claude Monet
SIDE NOTE: I look at "Winter Walk On The Farm" as a testimonial to an often unnoticed and disappearing scene in Chesterfield - farm fields. I especially remember "riding to the hounds" (foxhunting) with my Chesterfield friends. We galloped hard and fast, flying over stone walls between farms. "Field jumping" a horse is the closest a person can come to FLYING! Crisp, fall air that is sweet to breath, hounds baying, and an exhilarating ride aboard a good horse. Doesn't get any better than that!
The Kemp Auto Museum is an interesting place, if you get into Mercedes and the like. Great place to hold a fundraiser.

I stopped by Barb Singer's condo yesterday to see "Homage" framed. The piece looks beautiful floating in a cherry wood frame that Barb selected. "Homage" framed weighs about 20 lbs. so she's having the piece professionally hung. I'll take another photo in February when friends will gather to celebrate the hanging.I'm so pleased that this piece is in Barb Singer's hands. We like to think our work will be appreciated as artists. There is no one who appreciates my work more than Barb Singer. Thank you, my friend."On the floor I am more at ease. I feel nearer, more a part of the painting, since this way I can walk around it, work from the four sides and literally be in the painting." -- Jackson Pollock (1912-1956), on drip painting.

"Abstract art should be enjoyed just as music is enjoyed – after a while you may like it or you may not." -- Jackson Pollock
I finished my longtime commission assignment (embarrassed to admit it's been 3 years!) to paint whatever I like for Barb Singer. The task at hand was to paint whatever I wanted in whatever style with only two requisites. ......First, the painting must fit an ornate, gold leaf frame that Ms. Singer's mother left to her. And 2nd, the painting must include colors that complement Ms. Singer's bedroom (see blank frame with aqua colored drape on wall above bed) ......
It took me a verrry long time before I realized what this work needed to BE. I didn't think a watercolor would be suitable because it would not stand up visually to the chosen frame. I therefore chose to work in acrylic. I have discovered that my best work in acrylic is when I create right out of the tube or bottle - and with pure color. Dripped freely, with a plan in mind. I guess I liken the style to what is called "action/abstraction" -- a name coined by art critics to describe the works of Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning, among other artists who dominated fine art for several decades from the late 40's on. I watched a film of Pollock dripping paint onto a canvas on the ground and thought to myself "I'd like to attempt THAT!" I felt the frenetic pace of the work build after I laid down the base, went back the next day, laid down subsequent layers of color, and back again and again. Each succeeding visit to the work called me to add more and more overlapping acrylic.........My finished painting?.........I LOVE IT, if I DO say so! .............Painting in this style made me appreciate the true genius that Pollock was........the freedom, yet control, with which he painted. ..... This work is my attempt to HONOR Pollock, not to copy him. ...........UPDATE: 11/22/08 - Ms. Singer and I discussed the fact that she'd like the painting to be hung in her LIVING ROOM! (see picture of existing space where my painting will hang and replace another piece) .........

I love the "evolution" of this painting. I am happy that my painting has found a home with someone who will love it for a long time to come. I look forward to shooting a photo of this piece as well as others at Ms. Singer's home. Her love of art is on display on every wall and tabletop surface. Thanks for supporting the art community. ........
Working on this piece has inspired me to paint more and more full sheet (22x30) paintings....and perhaps even larger in the future. Look for new works in my next solo exhibit at SACRED GROUNDS in Edwardsville, Illinois. (below) .......
If you'd like to be put on my postcard mailing list announcing the show, please drop me a line with your name and street address to SusanGHoltzman@aol.com. ....
"Abstract Expressionists value expression over perfection, vitality over finish, fluctuation over repose, the unknown over the known, the veiled over the clear, the individual over society and the inner over the outer."
-- William C. Seitz, American artist and art historian
P.S. I am also donating a piece to CHESTERFIELD ARTS' 10th ANNUAL "ART FEAST" Fundraiser in January, '09. I'll keep you posted if you email me your name/street address to put you on my postcard mailing list. I look to 2009 to be an exciting year for me. ........Very special thanks to successful artist and dear friend, CINDY WROBEL, for her tremendous support and encouragement this past year! Also, thank you to LIBBY REUTER, executive director and curator at Schmidt Art Center for giving me good advice about this piece.
"The artist fills space with an attitude.
The attitude never comes from himself alone."
-- Willem de Kooning
"There is a friendship that makes us sisters.
None goes her way without the help of others.
That which we give comes back into our own."
-- Unknown
I've known Dottie for almost 50 years now (we lived in the same hall in the dormitory at Southwest Missouri College, Springfield, MO). Dottie says we're "kindred spirits". We have been through ups and downs - sorrow, joy and most of all - laughter. Through it all we know that we are forever friends. Dottie took home "PEACE" today (June 1, 2008). Thank you for your support of my art, Dottie. Thank you for being my friend.
Dottie was also an art major in school and wound up teaching art. You can bet her students learned a lot from her.
"There is no wilderness like life without friends.
Friendship multiplies blessings and minimizes misfortunes.
It is a unique remedy against adversity and it soothes the soul."
-- Baltasar Gracian
My friends, Peggy and David King of Evergreen, Colorado, visited the Midwest not long ago. We spent a delightful afternoon together at Southwestern Illinois' Schmidt Art Center in Belleville. I was pleased to have them take home one of my paintings - GATHERING STORM. Peggy said the painting would be perfect in their home. How nice.

Peggy is a sculpture artist who works in large metal pieces and in beaded sculptures of fish and other fowl. Libby Reuter, executive director and curator for the center (www.swicfoundation.com), is interested in Peggy possibly having an exhibit of her work sometime in the future. I'm excited for Peggy. If you haven't visited this state-of-the-art gallery, don't miss it. There's a MetroLink stop across the parking lot from the entrance.Peggy, David and I attended Southwest Missouri State College (now MSU) together. Peggy and I were both art majors. I have fond memories of those days (I chuckle to myself about some of the fun times we had).
UPDATE: David sent me some of Peggy's "fish" beaded sculptures. Do you have a whimsical name for each of these fishies? Aren't they CLEVER? Lots of hours went into making these, you can be sure.

And here is a gorgeous photo that David took on his way along the trail of Lewis & Clark....Bitterroot Range, south of Lolo, Montana (where A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT was filmed and my favorite state!)
"How difficult it is to be simple." -- Vincent van Gogh 
I love this room!
My donated painting hangs in this room until June 8 when it will be auctioned off.
Yes, Collectors' Choice VII is once again on display at the St. Louis Artists' Guild. The auction date is June 8. Viewing of all donated works runs May 17 thru June 7. The reception to meet artists was held on May 16. This is my 3rd year to participate as a donor. This year's painting is called AURORA. 
If you would like more info about this event, please go to http://www.stlouisartistsguild.org for additional information.